Alicante Airport

How much does a taxi cost from Alicante Airport to City Centre?

How much does a taxi cost from Alicante Airport to City Centre?

The cost of a taxi from Alicante-Elche Airport to the city center of Alicante, Spain can range from 20 to 30 euros, although this is just a rough estimate and it is always best to confirm the fare with the taxi driver before beginning your journey. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that there may be additional charges for baggage, tolls, and other fees, so be sure to ask the taxi driver for a detailed breakdown of the fare before starting your journey.

To make an informed decision, we strongly suggest you to make a booking of prepaid airport pickup for hassle-free experience. Here is the link to make a booking with good deals for an airport pickup.

Alicante Airport
Alicante Airport

Is it easy to get a taxi from Alicante airport?

Yes, it is easy to get a taxi from Alicante-Elche Airport. Taxis are readily available at the airport and can be found outside the terminal building. Simply follow the signs to the designated taxi area, where you can queue up and wait for a taxi. Regardless of how you arrange your taxi, it is always best to confirm the fare with the driver before beginning your journey and to ensure that the taxi is licensed and insured.

Is Uber available in Alicante?

Yes, Uber is available in Alicante, Spain. Uber is a convenient transportation option in many cities around the world, including Alicante. You can use the Uber app to request a ride, track your driver’s progress, and pay for your journey directly from your smartphone. It is worth noting that prices can fluctuate depending on demand and other factors.

You may also pre-book a taxi in advance if you prefer (visit our partner website here for booking), which can be useful if you are arriving during a busy time of day or if you have specific requirements for your journey.

How much is a taxi from Alicante airport to Old Town?

The cost of a taxi from Alicante-Elche Airport to the Old Town of Alicante, Spain can range from 25 to 30 euros, although this is just a rough estimate and it is always best to confirm the fare with the taxi driver before beginning your journey.

What is the official taxi in Alicante?

In Alicante, Spain, the official taxis are white vehicles with a taxi sign on top and a green stripe down the side. They are regulated by the local government and have a meter inside the car to calculate the fare based on distance and time. The meter should be turned on at the start of the journey and the fare will be displayed on the meter.

Hotel Reservation for Alicante

To make a hotel reservation for Alicante for your stay, our partner website offers good deals and world-class customer support.

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John Mathew is a travel writer and travel enthusiastic, primarily interested in how to get to any place, hotels guide, resorts guide, destination guide, and worldwide travel tips.